Life First are proud sponsors of the 2017 Nitro Athletics

Nitro Athletics Melbourne is a new team-based competition that will see stars of Australian and international athletics including Usain Bolt, compete across three nights at Melbourne’s Lakeside Stadium in February 2017.

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Which foods are best for improving and maintaining gut health?

Increasing intake of fermented foods and reducing intake of fatty, processed take away foods, sugar sweetened beverages and alcohol can significantly contribute to improving gut health.

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Are different types of probiotics good for different conditions?

Different types of gut bacteria are involved in different mechanisms of health. For instance, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium improved the score in a common cognitive test in Alzheimer's patients.

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What happens when our bacteria are damaged or out of balance?

When our gut bacteria are damaged, or we reduce the mix of different types of bacteria, a negative impact on our health is likely. Studies have indicated widespread health impacts including hormonal changes and increased bowel cancer risk.

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What are probiotics and why are they important for gut health?

Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that are found in our gut, helping to encourage better health, and avoiding development of a number of conditions.

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Stress plays a role in the development of a number of health conditions

Life First tells you how using stress to your advantage can enhance productivity and wellbeing.

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So if everyone experiences stress, how do we best manage it?

Managing all types of stress is essential for leading a better quality life. Let Life First help you with various management techniques to deal with stress.

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Stress…it’s not all negative

Traditionally, it was thought that stress was a bad thing, however recent research indicates that this may not be true. It appears that how we view stress impacts how it affects us.

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The first step to managing stress is to understand it.

Most of us feel stress in different ways and for varying reasons. Some stress can be beneficial, helping to provide drive and energy and others can have health consequences.

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Life First can help improve your health and improve your healthy diet score

Life First will give you a complete analysis of your health status and their health coaches will give you tailored advice and guidance on how to make improvements.

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Learn how to keep eating what you want but be healthy

The stats from the recent CSIRO survey are scary. We need to reduce our 'sometimes' foods. Time to improve our health.

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Not so Healthy After All!

The CSIRO recently released a report, detailing the diet score of more than 86,000 Australians, with some concerning results. Find out more.

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THE CSIRO Healthy Diet Report shows Australians have room for improvement

The CSIRO ‘2016 Healthy Diet Report’ shows 4 in every 5 Australians fail the test, scoring only 59 out of a possible 100 points. The benchmark is 70%.

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Life First measures your level of fitness

Measuring VO2 Max is a great way of measuring exactly where you are up to in terms of fitness.

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Tips on how to increase your physical activity

If you currently do not do much exercise, it is not recommended to suddenly start running for 6 hours per week; it is about working up to it as you build your fitness levels.

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How much physical exercise do we need to do?

Doing any physical exercise is better than none. Ideally be active on most, preferably all days of the week.

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Physical inactivity is risky business when it comes to health

a recent study has found associations between low levels of physical activity, and increased mortality rates, so much so that low levels of physical activity are nearly as bad for us as smoking.

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The health benefits and detriments of Pokemon Go

With all the furore around the health benefits and detriments related to playing Pokemon Go, it does cause one to stop and think about their own health.

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Men’s reluctance to visit a Doctor puts them at unnecessary risk

Both males and females should be encouraged to undergo regular health screenings to enable physicians to detect current and potential health risks.

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The Negative Health Impacts of a 21st Century Lifestyle

As Australians, we live in an age and land of plenty. These advances of the 21st Century see an innumerable number of benefits for our society, but have had negative impacts on our personal health.

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