The CSIRO recently released a report, detailing the diet score of more than 86,000 Australians, with some concerning results. Find out more.
Life First measures your level of fitness
Measuring VO2 Max is a great way of measuring exactly where you are up to in terms of fitness.
Tips on how to increase your physical activity
If you currently do not do much exercise, it is not recommended to suddenly start running for 6 hours per week; it is about working up to it as you build your fitness levels.
How much physical exercise do we need to do?
Doing any physical exercise is better than none. Ideally be active on most, preferably all days of the week.
Physical inactivity is risky business when it comes to health
a recent study has found associations between low levels of physical activity, and increased mortality rates, so much so that low levels of physical activity are nearly as bad for us as smoking.
The health benefits and detriments of Pokemon Go
With all the furore around the health benefits and detriments related to playing Pokemon Go, it does cause one to stop and think about their own health.