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Health coaches provide professional support in various areas of your health

As a part of the Life First Comprehensive Health package, each person is entitled to three months working with a Health Coach. What is a Health Coach though? As this is a question we are regularly asked, we thought it would be useful to share with you what the program is to help answer your questions.

The term ‘health coaching’, and what that actually entails may be misunderstood.

For many people, hearing the term ‘coach’, particularly when it has ‘health’ in front of it, sounds very airy fairy, non-specific, and possibly not truly evidence based. This is not the case.

The Health Coaches at Life First are highly skilled dual qualified dietitians and health coaches, who between them have nearly 20 years experience.

Our unique, Health Coaching program is designed for the busy individual in mind. Starting after your Life First Assessment, our program is designed to be flexible, and cater for your individual requirements. Whether you come into our rooms, or chat to us whilst commuting, in the airport lounge, or going for your morning walk, we work with you by providing support in any areas of health you wish to improve on. e.g. stress/sleep, body composition, nutrition or sports nutrition , physical activity, blood results.

Read more to find out what the actual process is.

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