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5 Daily Habits That Could Help Ease Snoring

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Are you one of the 45% of normal adults that snores occasionally or the 25% who snore regularly?1 If not it’s highly likely that you know someone who does. There are a couple of habits you can switch up to help you (and your partner) get some sleep without a pillow smack or being booted to the spare room. From what you eat to your sleep hygiene it’s time to switch it up for a peaceful snooze.

Impacts of snoring

Three in 10 men and nearly two in 10 women who are habitual snorers suffer from some degree of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)2. Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition which needs medical attention. Sleep apnea occurs when your throat partially or fully blocks for between 10-60 seconds (restricting breathing), multiple times a night3. OSA is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, headaches and depression.

Yes, it is true that despite what you think both women and men snore, but fellas are more likely to cause a ruckus as their air passages are narrower4. And not only that but the older you are, the more likely you are to snore due to decreased muscle tone.

While you might not see your snoring as an issue (or even know that you’re doing it), your snoring impacts not only your health but your partner's quality of sleep5. Whilst there are many snoring aids (and fancy tech) on the market try altering these five daily habits to help you get a more peaceful zzz’s.

1. Prime position

When you lie on your back your tongue and soft palate collapse onto the back wall of your throat causing a vibrating sound whilst you sleep aka snores6. Good news is that it’s virtually impossible to snore when you’re on your side, roll your partner onto their side or grab a side sleeper pillow to silence that snooze.

 2. Bye bye brews

For some strange reason, do you only snore after you’ve had a couple of drinks? Turns out, it’s not so strange after all. Nightcap no more - alcohol has a sedative effect which relaxes your jaw and throat muscles meaning that it is easier to snore and the same goes with muscle relaxants7

3.  The thick of it

Snoring can often be a result of holding onto a few extra kgs, those with large BMI’s are more likely to have poor muscle tone and more tissue on the throat and neck causing your nighttime noise8.

4. Clear the way

Having a blocked nose or overall nasal stuffiness from pollen in the air or hayfever also impacts how much you snore. One of the easiest ways to clear your nasal passages is to have a hot and steamy shower before bed.

5. Quality over quantity

It’s ironic but getting enough quality sleep the night before will help decrease your risk of snoring the next night. When you’re over tired and exhausted you’re more likely to fall into a deep slumber aka start snoring. The environment where we sleep affects our quality of sleep, read our three tips for some quality zzz’s9.

If you’re still struggling to catch the zz’s or think that you could potentially have sleep apnea head to your local GP for assistance.












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