Research suggests getting a good night's sleep helps boost immunity

Dr Moira Junge, spokesperson for Australia’s Sleep Health Foundation explains that “sleep is now well understood to benefit immunity.” Despite the knowledge that sleep is important, up to 45% of Australians still aren’t getting enough.

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4 tips on managing social anxiety as restrictions ease

Research published prior to coronavirus suggested that 13 per cent of Australians experience social anxiety, with experts now suggesting that social anxiety can present in people with no prior history before COVID-19.

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How to manage anxiety around coronavirus

Coronavirus has not only impacted Australians' physical health but also the economy, jobs and everyday routines which in turn has an impact on mental wellbeing. Linda Jays, Life First psychologist offers tips for people in this difficult time.

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An expert’s guide to eating healthy at home

When the desk and dining table become one, here’s how your eating habits should change. We asked two of our Life First dietitians for their top tips when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet at home.

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What is The Gut-Brain Connection?

Ever had a gut feeling? You know, when something just isn’t sitting quite right? It turns out that it’s not just in your head, research shows that anxiety and stomach issues are intertwined, so much so that they’ve named it the gut-brain connection.

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The Physical Signs of Anxiety That Are Easy To Miss

Beyond Blue reports that over 2 million Australian suffer from anxiety each year. Anxiety can be managed and treated but it isn’t a one size fits all approach.

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