Health & Lifestyle Program

This program is aimed at providing you with an examination of your current health status and provides information and assistance on how to improve your health risks.

You will spend time with a medical practitioner, exercise physiologist and receive a telephonic consultation with an accredited practising dietitian.

This program takes up to 90 minutes to complete and covers the following:

  • Online comprehensive personal and family health history, psychological health (DASS 21) and the Epworth sleep questionnaire
  • Physical examination including examination of ears, eyes, nose, mouth, glands, abdomen, liver, spleen, kidney, hernias, heart sounds, blood pressure, peripheral pulses, musculoskeletal and lung auscultation
  • Fasting lipids to detect cardiovascular disease
  • Fasting blood sugar to detect type 2 diabetes
  • Liver function tests, urea and electrolytes
  • Resting ECG to detect cardiac abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart as it contracts
  • Up to 45 minutes consultation with the Doctor
  • Up to 45 minutes consultation with the Exercise Physiologist
  • Up to 60 minutes follow-up telephone consultation with a degree qualified Dietitian
  • Comprehensive report with recommendations

You will receive a personalised health assessment report following your program, providing you with a complete run down of your results, comparisons to previous assessments if conducted with Life First and general health information. Your report will include recommendations from the health professionals, an explanation of the grouping of blood results performed, a copy of your blood results, your Epworth sleep score, resting ECG, and relevant fact sheets.


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Predict it now,
prevent it in the future.

Find out more about our
Health & Lifestyle Program

A healthier, happier you. Talk to us today.

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