Metabolic Health Program

Our Metabolic Health Program offers you the best opportunity to identify, understand and optimise your metabolic health to assist with optimal weight management and to maintain quality of life, maximise longevity and ensure you live life to its fullest.​

For both men and women, it is well known that central obesity is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. For women in particular, during their middle years, they experience weight gain, particularly central weight gain. This occurs due to a number of factors including a reduction in oestrogen levels after menopause, ageing and other lifestyle changes during this time. The Life First Metabolic Health Program is an evidence based program that offers men and women a safe, achievable and effective way to manage their weight and achieve their goals.

This program is a non-invasive program which is comprehensive in its nature starting with testing your metabolic health using state of the art technologies known as Ecal and Bioimpedance Spectrometry (BIS). The program continues to offer support, guidance, reassessment and adjustments to offer best possible outcomes and is delivered by experienced dietitians with a background in health coaching

Information on your body composition will be recorded so as to provide health coaches with your unique metabolic profile/fingerprint and to customise a management plan specific to your desired goal.

Why is Metabolic Health important?

An accurate assessment of your metabolism is essential in assessing how you utilise energy, how you burn fat and carbohydrates. Once this data is known, a personalised nutrition and exercise plan can be developed by our qualified health professionals to assist you in managing your weight, energy levels and overall wellbeing.

How and why do we measure Metabolism?

In the clinic we use non-invasive, state of the art technologies called ECAL - which uses indirect calorimetry (the gold standard in assessing human metabolism) and Bioimpedence Spectrometry (BIS).

Data collected helps to determine:

1) Your requirement for energy at rest in calories. We can then compare this to the normal range

2) How is this energy produced? (whether from fat or carbohydrate)

3) How efficient your cells are at creating and using energy.

4) Your body composition including body fat % and skeletal muscle mass.

The ECAL test is a simple 5-minute breathing test.

The BIS test involves placing your hands and feet on measurement plates.

Results are available immediately.

Program Options

There are two program options:

Option 1: Our one off session is ideal for people who want to have their metabolism and body composition tested but are not yet ready to enrol in the full comprehensive program. This 60 minute session includes the Ecal and Sozo technologies with a comprehensive explanation of results by our Accredited Practicing Dieticians. Typically this program is used by people who would like to experience the process prior to enrolling in the complete program or those that want to use the data to work on their own program. Those undertaking a one off session have the option to enrol in the complete program for up to one month after their initial consultation for the cost of the outstanding balance.

Book Now for Option 1

Option 2: This comprehensive program involves a 5 step touch point process and includes:

  • Initial Ecal/BIS assessment and consultation
  • Follow up telehealth consultation
  • BIS re-test with consultation
  • Follow up telehealth consultation
  • Final Ecal/BIS consultation

Book Now for Option 2

Our Health Professionals

All of health professionals have extensive experience in their field of expertise. They all hold the necessary qualifications to practice in their specialty and we have stringent criteria for appointment and employment retention to ensure we deliver on the very best health care. Meet our Metabolic Health Practitioners here.

For further details on the program, please view our information pack.

To speak to a member of our team get in touch.


Predict it now,
prevent it in the future.

Find out more about our
Metabolic Health Program

A healthier, happier you. Talk to us today.

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